Lazy Loading Placeholder

When you have a page with lots of graphics which require scrolling for viewers to see, it makes sense to load only the ones at the top until a user expresses interest in the rest of the page content by scrolling down the page. This is especially important when you ave a page with lots of his every single day. Lazy Loading on long web pages containing many large images makes the page load faster. In will reduce server load as well as bandwidth requirements for mobile and desktop users.


The instructions that come with the jquery Lazy Loader specify that you set a height and width for the image. This causes problems when doing responsive images. I removed the height and width for this example in order to make it work properly. This causes the images to load as perfect squares but they resize properly once the real image loads.

Church of the Holy Sepulcher
Jerusalem Israel
Gateway Arch
St. Louis, MO
Attic of the Bunnell Farm House
Orem UT
Computer Science Building
Orem UT
Los Angeles Convention Center
Los Angeles, CA
Grant Court Hotel
Jerusalem Israel
Fifth Water Hot Spring
Diamond Fork Canyon, Spanish Fork, UT
San Antonio, TX
Street Intersection
San Francisco, CA
Jefferson Monument
Washington, D.C.